
IKB Kip - annual plan and contribution 2025

The annual plan IKB Kip 2025 has been approved by the Central board of Experts (Central College van Deskundigen IKB Kip- CCvD) and adopted by the AVINED board. The aim of IKB Kip is to strengthen the license to produce to participants in the poultry meat chain. This involves building and maintaining the trust of

Clarification of water sample regulation (F17)

Regulation F17 has been amended as of 1 June 2024.

Grower's declaration

Regulation F20 has been included to monitor the feed materials given to the poultry as closely as possible.

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Stichting AVINED heeft als missie om met een efficiënte dienstverlening de huidige duurzame en robuuste marktpositie van de Nederlandse pluimveesector verder te versterken.

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Who should use the shower?

All visitors who enter the clean zone of a building must take a shower. A shower must also be taken when the visitor leaves the barn. Clean in for the poultry farm and clean out for the poultry sector. After all, human-animal contact is one of the greatest risks related to introducing and spreading pathogens. Visitors and materials that have been in contact with other poultry are a potential vector of poultry diseases. From 1 July 2019 arrive clean, leave clean (incl. showering on arrival and departure) has been a standard principle in IKB Kip. The visitor must shower his/her whole body using warm water and soap for at least five minutes (in accordance with hygiene protocol of IKB Kip). Visitors are understood to be all persons who enter the premises (the buildings), with the exception of the farmer and the farm staff. For example veterinarians, feed advisers, vaccination crews, inspectors, consultants etc

More information about the transitional period? Click here.