
IKB Kip - annual plan and contribution 2025

The annual plan IKB Kip 2025 has been approved by the Central board of Experts (Central College van Deskundigen IKB Kip- CCvD) and adopted by the AVINED board. The aim of IKB Kip is to strengthen the license to produce to participants in the poultry meat chain. This involves building and maintaining the trust of

Clarification of water sample regulation (F17)

Regulation F17 has been amended as of 1 June 2024.

Grower's declaration

Regulation F20 has been included to monitor the feed materials given to the poultry as closely as possible.

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Stichting AVINED heeft als missie om met een efficiënte dienstverlening de huidige duurzame en robuuste marktpositie van de Nederlandse pluimveesector verder te versterken.

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Prevention is important to avoid spreading pathogens and other infections. To exclude Avian Influenza (AI) or an infection caused by pathogens such as Salmonella, ILT and Coryza, good hygiene standards are becoming increasingly important. Controlling animal diseases entails, among other things, high costs. Therefore, amended hygiene regulations have been applied in the IKB Kip scheme since 1 June 2019.

An important step in hygiene measures as a whole within the IKB provisions is the obligation to provide one or more shower(s) as part of the hygiene lock. After all, human-animal contact is one of the greatest risks related to introducing and spreading pathogens. Installing and using showers applies to all IKB Kip certified poultry establishments: rearing of grandparent and parent breeding and broiler establishments (from July 2019).

Click on the following subjects for more information:

Click here for the regulations regarding the shower (Annex 1.2).

Visitors’ register

To monitor who visits your farm, it is important that visitors sign the visitors’ register. A visitor is someone other than the farmer and his staff entering the premises. Provision J13 in Annex 1.2 (Regulations for poultry farms) describes the elements with which the visitors’ register must comply. Provision J14 in Annex 1.2 (Regulations for poultry farms) states that the farmer should have a hygiene protocol which is visible to visitors. Visitors must declare, via the visitors’ register, that they have read and taken note of the hygiene protocol. The protocol describes aspects including what visitors should do on entering the farm premises. Examples: Practical tools for participants.


Hygiene protocol IKB Kip (visual)