
Afvoermogelijkheden gebied Idsegahuizum en risicobeoordeling vogelgriep (3 februari 2025)

Belangrijke informatie omtrent vogelgriep: Afvoermogelijkheden beperkingsgebied Isdegahuizum, beoordeling risico vogelgriep voor pluimveebedrijven en voor de mens, intensiveringsplan preventie vogelgriep LVVN.

Vogelgriep vastgesteld bij legbedrijf in Idsegahuizum (30 januari 2025)

Het ministerie van LVVN meldt dat in Idsegahuizum (gemeente Súdwest-Fryslân, provincie Friesland) vogelgriep is vastgesteld op een legbedrijf.

Jaarplannen en deelnemersbijdrage IKB PSB 2025

De deelnemersbijdrage in 2025 blijft gelijk Dit heeft het AVINED-bestuur op 29 november 2024 besloten. Met de huidige begroting en hoogte van de deelnemersbijdrage kunnen we invulling geven aan de plannen in het jaarplan 2025. De deelnemersbijdrage 2025 bedraagt  €750,- (excl. BTW) per certificaat. Een stijging van de bijdrage in verband met de gestegen kosten

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Stichting AVINED heeft als missie om met een efficiënte dienstverlening de huidige duurzame en robuuste marktpositie van de Nederlandse pluimveesector verder te versterken.

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Frequently asked questions

About IKB Kip

IKB stands for Integrale Ketenbeheersing or Integral Chain Management. IKB Kip is a voluntary chain quality system for all links in the poultry sector; the entire chain. The contents of the IKB Kip certification scheme are determined in consultation with representatives from the sector, societal organizations, and purchasers. Those who opt to participate have to follow the rules. This has advantages, because all links that participate guarantee that they do what they promise. In this way, we respond to the wishes from the purchasers and society.

The costs for IKB Kip consist of the participation contribution for IKB Kip and the costs for inspection and evaluation conducted by the CA.

Compliance inspections regarding the IKB Kip regulations are conducted by a Certification Authority (CA). The IKB Kip scheme manager (PLUIMNED foundation) has made agreements with CAs that are authorized to perform the IKB inspection and evaluation. You enter into a contract with the acknowledged CA of your choice. Moreover, a CA can outsource the actual inspection (the visit to a company) to a Control Organization (CO).

The IKB Kip Certification Scheme has been accepted by the Dutch Accreditation Board in the framework of the ISO/IEC17065 accreditation. This is an international quality label for quality systems. This safeguards an independent, high-quality, and uniform inspection and evaluation which improves the national and international market position of the IKB Kip companies.

How do I obtain an IKB Kip certificate?

When you decide to participate in IKB Kip, you can register at a Certification Authority.

When you apply for a certificate, you are asked which certificate you would like to receive for a certain location. For example, if you have various activities in one location, you might have to apply for various different certificates.

If matters are not in order during the inspection, you will receive a letter from the Certification Authority stating the established deviations. This letter will also state which follow-up action or sanction applies. Possible additional costs are to be paid by the participant. The follow-up actions/sanctions may include the following:

  • Warning: deviation must be corrected before the next follow-up inspection.
  • Administrative corrective action: send documentation within 6 weeks.
  • On-site corrective action: deviation must be corrected within 4 weeks and must be demonstrated to CA during follow-up inspection (to be paid by the participant).
  • Suspension for a maximum of three months: certificate is suspended immediately. No products / animals may be delivered under the IKB Kip label.
  • Exclusion for a minimum period of one year: No products / animals may be delivered under the IKB Kip label.

If one of the above violations is not corrected within the established term, a more severe sanction will apply.

The Certification Authority (CA) will make an appointment for a certification inspection of your company on the IKB Kip conditions. Inspection can only take place when animals are present at the company. After the inspection, you will receive a list containing the inspection results from the CA. If everything is deemed acceptable, the CA will issue the IKB Kip certificate.

Which inspections are carried out within IKB Kip?

The first inspection takes place after the registration of your company at a Certification Authority. This is the so-called certification inspection. After you have obtained an IKB Kip certification (which is valid for 1 year), the next IKB inspection for poultry companies must occur within 6 to 8 weeks before the IKB certificate lapses, to ensure that the process can be completed timely. Slaughterhouses, cutting plants, and hatcheries are inspected twice a year.

The IKB company is responsible for the timely performance of the inspection, but the CA will usually contact the company as well (as a service). Additionally, unannounced inspections may take place.

The regulations concerned from the IKB Kip certification scheme are included. This concerns administrative matters and matters regarding the animals and the barn. A company can only be inspected when animals are present. Furthermore, the certification criteria state the (organizational) requirements regarding inspection, evaluation, and certification.