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Changes within IKB Kip

29 juni 2020

Working in consultation with the Central Board of Experts (CBE), we have made a number of amendments to the IKB Kip certification scheme. The purpose of these changes is to further strengthen and clarify the IKB Kip scheme. The changes were adopted by the independent Board of Directors (BoD) and took effect on 1 June

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Useful checklists for your IKB Kip inspection

29 juni 2020

We have developed checklists for the IKB Kip scheme, covering each link. These lists provide a summary of the documents that you must have at hand during an IKB Kip inspection. This way you are well prepared, with the right documents at hand, and the inspection will run more efficiently.   You are allowed to

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Fire safety on your farm

27 januari 2020

You naturally want to guarantee the safety of yourself, your employees and the animals on your farm. IKB is helping you by including safety requirements in the IKB schemes.

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Stricter hygiene through use of shower since July 2019

15 november 2019

Due to a higher risk of outbreaks of avian influenza (AI) or an infection with, for instance, salmonella, ILT and coryza, good levels of are becoming more important. The installation and use of a shower for all IKB Kip certified companies has therefore become mandatory since 1 July 2019.