
Aanpassing benchmarkwaarden antibioticumgebruik reguliere vleeskuikens

Per 1 januari 2025 wijzigen de benchmarkwaarden voor het antibioticumgebruik voor reguliere vleeskuikens.

IKB Kip - Jahresplan und Teilnahmegebühren 2025

Der IKB Kip-Jahresplan 2025 wurde von den Sektorexperten des Centraal College van Deskundigen IKB Kip (CCvD, „Zentrales Sachverständigenkollegium IKB Kip“) genehmigt und vom AVINED-Vorstand verabschiedet. Ziel von IKB Kip ist die Stärkung der „License to Produce“ der teilnehmenden Betriebe. Ein wichtiger Aspekt dabei ist das Vertrauen der Marktteilnehmer und der Gesellschaft in IKB Kip sowie

IKB Kip - annual plan and contribution 2025

The annual plan IKB Kip 2025 has been approved by the Central board of Experts (Central College van Deskundigen IKB Kip- CCvD) and adopted by the AVINED board. The aim of IKB Kip is to strengthen the license to produce to participants in the poultry meat chain. This involves building and maintaining the trust of

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Stichting AVINED heeft als missie om met een efficiënte dienstverlening de huidige duurzame en robuuste marktpositie van de Nederlandse pluimveesector verder te versterken.

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IKB Kip: Use of products

6 juli 2023

As a food producer, it is critical for your animals and food safety that you use the right products on your farm. On your farm, you use various types of agents, such as cleaning and disinfecting agents. These also include cleaning and disinfecting agents for your drinking water system. It is important when using these agents that they are permitted in the country where your farm is located. In addition, please check that you are using the agent for the right purpose and according to its information booklet.

It is important that, as a food producer, you always know which agents are used on your farm, even if you are not the one who uses them.