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IKB Kip: Amendments to IKB Kip with effect from 1 June 2024

12 september 2024

Working in consultation with the Central Board of Experts (CBE), we have made a number of amendments to the IKB Kip certification scheme. The amendments concern a number of topics. For example, in preparation for the integration of the KIPNet database with the KIP database, the name KIPNet has been changed in all amended documents. In addition, amendments have been made in order to comply with pest management legislation and regulations. The IKB Kip CBE also analysed the currentness of the regulations. Consequently a number of requirements have been removed. This letter contains further information.

The IKB Board of Directors adopted the amendments on 15 March 2024. These amendments will come into effect on 1 June 2024. This letter informs you of the main outlines of the changes. Please review the amendments and the latest version of the certification scheme carefully. The changes can be important to your business operations and as a IKB Kip participant you are obliged to comply with them from 1 June. Not every amendment will apply to your circumstances. The amendments are described per document, and the title of the section indicates if a specific type of company is concerned.

General Terms and Conditions

Article 11 of the General Terms and Conditions IKB Kip states that a public register of IKB-Kip participants is maintained. This register is important, if, for example, you wish to verify whether your supply (e.g. broilers) originates from an IKB Kip-approved farm. The search function of the register can be found here. It works based on the KIP number of the farm, i.e. without using name and address data.
The scope of this register will be widened based on the amended General Terms and Conditions IKB Kip to show whether the farm is a participant in IKB Kip. It will also indicate the status, for example, accepted or suspended, and the validity period of the certificate. This will make it easier to identify which farms may supply you with poultry.

Annex 1.1: Regulations for hatcheries, abattoirs and cutting plants

Regulations for abattoirs and cutting plants (1.1B):
Regulation SA02: The CBE of IKB KIP also wants the requirement of 100% IKB-worthy supplies to apply to abattoirs and cutting plants. The proposed amendment still provides for a 5% leniency margin for abattoirs and cutting plants, but expects the participant to record the reason why supplies were not IKB-worthy. This will provide insight into the reasons why the leniency margin was applied.

Annex 1.2: IKB KIP regulations for poultry farms

For all poultry farms (1.2A):

  • Regulations B05, B06, B11 and B12 will be amended or added in compliance with the amended regulations concerning the backup generator and alarm systems.  An alarm plan is an integral part of this. An example will be provided shortly and will also be published on the website.
  • In regulation F01, the section concerning feed ingredients from own cultivation or farmer-to-farmer supplies has been deleted as it will be incorporated in a new regulation (F20).
  • In regulation F14, the following has been added to the interpretation: buckets or troughs of water in the area at the front of the house are not permitted, if they are not closed. This has been added to clarify the requirement for a closed drinking water system.
  • The content of regulations F15, F17 and F19 has been clarified. A provision that ‘Multiple laboratories can be used, whereby the institutions have at least a chemical or a bacteriological parameter in the scope’has been added to regulation F17. This sentence has been included to indicate that IKB Kip participants can send the samples to different laboratories.
  • Regulation F20 has been added as a new requirement. It concerns own cultivation of feed ingredients and farmer-to-farmer supplies. Clarification of the regulation concerning these feed ingredients was necessary based on signals received from the sector. A grower’s declaration, an intake inspection and additional analyses for hazardous contaminants will be required. A template of a grower’s declaration will be provided shortly and will also be published on the website to ensure the content of a grower’s declaration is clear and transparent for all parties concerned.
  • Regulation I10 on administering UDD veterinary medicinal products has been amended and clarified.

Broiler farms (1.2D):

  • A provision that all broilers must originate from certified IKB Kip or Belplume broiler hatcheries has been added to regulation VB03. Setting up hens from layer breeds is not consistent with the regulations of IKB Kip.
  • Regulation VC13 stating that in the event of termination of the agreement between the poultry farmer and the GPD vet, the statement from the vet must be included in the administration has been deleted as this regulation is no longer current.

We will add the latest version of the IKB Kip General Terms and Conditions to (under ‘Certification Scheme’).

If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact the IKB Kip Secretariat on (telephone number: + 31 (0) 88 – 998 4340, e-mail: